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Showing posts from June, 2019

Driftwood by T. L. Wright

On reading a new book, there is always something that sticks in your mind about it. Whether it’s the style, plot, believability or something else. In Driftwood’s case, it was the descriptions. The first word(s) that came to me to describe it was ‘sing-song’, but in the end I settled for melodic. T.L. Wright really gives her readers an insight into her vivid imagination. The extent of the descriptions really give this book a unique selling point. Books come in all shapes and sizes and Driftwood is no exception. Yes, the length of the book is short but it was obviously intended to be that way. The chapters are also short which can make reading it a little confusing. Okay, Ms Wright, where are you going to take me next? TBH, I much prefer my books to be on the shorter side in length. I’ve never been one for a mammoth reading marathon. My main concern, however, is the grammatical errors; they are, unfortunately, numerous. I do have to take into consideration whether the copy o

Out of the Fire and into the Pan  by Shannon O’Leary

If you didn’t find Shannon O’Leary’s first book, The Blood on My Hands, heart-wrenching enough then her sequel will certainly have you weeping uncontrollably. How can one person, one family, go through so much? If you do weep, thankfully it will be with both heartbreak and relief or joy, eventually. The abuse that this poor girl suffers at the hands of her father continues well into her adulthood until he dies in the later stages of the book. As time progresses, the author fights continuously against the lure of negative emotional relationships she finds herself attracted to, a pattern of behaviour that comes as a consequence of the abuse. She eventually gains the ultimate prize of her life, however, by bringing into the world a huge family of her own. She shows such strength and courage in dealing with the demands of her five children. This is the ultimate conclusion of this chapter in Shannon O’Leary’s life. It’s brutally honest, poignant and a testament to her bravery in th