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Showing posts from August, 2019

How to write a good product review

You see them everywhere: on the back of books or magazines, listed on websites, on posters if they're films and sometimes whole sites on the Internet are geared to listing them for every possible product. So, what are they and, why are they so important? They are reviews and they're important because they help consumers decide whether or not they want to purchase that particular product or service. They are also an excellent marketing tactic for the companies or authors who request them. The trouble is, anyone can write a review but not everyone can write a good review. Quality will be the key factor in encouraging the consumer, to buy or not to buy the product, so the review must grab them almost straightaway. So, how do you write a good review? To help you, here are my Top 10 Tips to becoming a good and respected reviewer whatever the product. Please note: these tips can apply to anything that you need to review. Some of the suggestions might even be obvious but you'